Mike Colman, University of Leeds, UK
Welcome to Physics of the Heart!
This is an informal site hosting my research and associated model code, as well some teaching material. I am an Associate Professor in Systems Physiology
at the University of Leeds, and run the Leeds Systems Physiology Lab along with Al Benson.
My research integrates experimental data with computational simulations of the electrical activity of the heart to understand the
mechanisms of cardiac dysfunction. Specifically, I am interested in cardiac arrhythmias - when the regular rhythm of the heart,
and its pumping function, is interrupted – and failure of the coupling between the electrical and mechanical systems.
The research pages are aimed at a general audience – I have (attempted) to describe the core concepts in an accessible way, and to
place my research within this accessible context. For researchers in the field, the pages should form a useful summary of my
research with links to the full publications and further information. Have a browse and hopefully you'll learn something new!